9 Common Warning Signs of Cancer

9 Common Warning Signs of Cancer

Cancer occurs when abnormal cells multiply uncontrollably and form tumors in the body. Although most types of cancer don’t cause severe symptoms in the initial stages, keeping an eye out for the early signs can help diagnose the disease early and start timely treatment. Additionally, the earlier the cancer is diagnosed, the easier it is to cure it. So, one should keep a watch for the following common warning signs of cancer:

1. Changes in bowel habits
Several changes associated with one’s bowel movements can result from stomach, pancreatic, colon, or ovarian cancer. These include frequent diarrhea, blood in the stool, and constipation. One may also experience frequent urges.

2. Anemia
Anemia develops when the body does not produce enough healthy red blood cells. It is a common symptom of various types of cancer, including blood and colon cancer. If there is no definite cause of blood loss or any visible bleeding, anemia can indicate cancer.

3. Changes on the skin
Changes on the skin or sores that fail to heal, new unusual growths, and changes in existing moles could all be common warning signs of skin cancer. If one notices any peculiar changes on their skin, including discoloration, large spots, or scabs, they must visit a dermatologist without delay.

4. Loss of weight and appetite
Losing weight without an obvious cause is one of the common symptoms of cancer. Additionally, cancer can lead to changes in metabolism, due to which one may feel full easily or lose their appetite. If one does not see any obvious cause of appetite or weight loss, it’s best to visit a doctor to diagnose the problem.

5. Blood in the urine
Blood in the urine could mean any of the several problems originating in the urinary tract. This is a common symptom of kidney disease, kidney stones, and bladder or kidney cancer. One must always get it checked to pinpoint its exact cause.

6. Persistent cough
Cough that doesn’t seem to go away, especially if it is accompanied by headaches, weight loss, and other common warning signs of cancer, is a cause of concern. If these symptoms persist despite repeated attempts at treatment, one must visit their doctor.

7. Unusual bleeding
For women, bleeding after menopause or in between periods is a serious cause of concern. Similarly, easily bruising, wounds that don’t heal quickly, and blood in the stool or urine must never be ignored.

8. Swollen lymph nodes
Swollen lymph nodes or lumps on the side of the neck may develop due to certain infections. Sometimes, certain cancers like lymphoma, throat cancer, and leukemia may also cause these lumps or swelling, and they may also indicate breast cancer. One must not hesitate to visit their doctor if these common warning signs of cancer persist.

9. Breast lumps
Breast lumps mostly mean nothing more than a cyst or a noncancerous tumor, but they could sometimes be signs of breast cancer. One must always undergo regular self-examinations and get any abnormalities evaluated at the earliest.